We will develop a sensor based exercise system to provide eccentric exercise to wheel chair patients

Funded by EYDE-ETAK (GR)
Project Overview
WorkPackages and Deliverables
WP1. Technical specs and design of the system
1.1. Market analysis and requirements of end-users
1.2. Technical characteristics and design of sub-parts
WP2. Construction of electro-mechanical parts
2.1. Construction of the skeleton of the system
2.2. Contraction of the pneumatic system
WP3. Software development
3.1. Software integration of electronics
3.2. Software game
3.3. App for mobile devices
WP4. System integration and control
4.1. Prototype ALPHA
4.2 Technical Control of Prototype ALPHA
WP5. System evaluation and results utilisation
5.1. System evaluation
5.2. Publications and Presentations
5.3. Website
5.4. Workshops
WP6. Patent
6.1. Application for patent
Pictures from meetings & events
DSCN 4689
DSCN 4703
DSCN 4711
DSCN 4697
DSCN 4714
2018. Greeck Society of Biomechanics, Thessaloniki, Greece
2022. International Conference in Sports Science, Komotini Greece
2022. International Conference ELMO, Athens, Greece
2023. Biomed paper
2023. 4th Internation Conference of Sport Science, Thessaloniki
IMG 20210219 110605
IMG 20210624 1048101
IMG 20210616 100221
IMG 20210624 1019041
IMG 20210624 1047571
IMG 20210624 1048051
IMG 20210616 100200
For more pictures see here
Final Product
IMG 28 Dbea 3185 D 0 E 0 De 004 Ad 19 E 4 E 2 Abfa 1 V
IMG 95 Aa 66544413 Afb 74 F 2 Ba 83 C 7536 F 18 A V
IMG 73 A 4 Ad 93 D 142 Bfcffda 2 D 6 D 4 Bbff 6598 V
IMG A 0 Cf 08833606 A 1369 A 964 D 5 B 184261 E 2 V
IMG 57 Fb 15 B 296 F 98 Ee 22853 D 182 Fd 0 D 38 A 6 V
IMG 3 Fe 32 Fa 3 Fc 0 A 3992 Afa 081154 C 6 C 40 C 2 V
IMG 68 F 7 Da 84267 B 02 A 22 E 05 E 6 E 93 Ac 64 A 94 V
20230118 182001
20230118 182021
- Προβολές: 12261